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Enterprise Europe Network
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Enterprise Europe Network

The world's largest support network for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions.


Embracing global markets
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The webinar series provides crucial market intelligence and information on regulatory requirements helping companies expand in fast growing markets in Asia, Africa and the Americas.

Advice and support

Sustainability windmills in sea and field
We guide companies in their transition to more sustainable business models
EU map with flag
We help businesses navigate EU legislations, policies and benefit from the opportunities offered by the Single Market
Business Digitalisation
We help companies tailor digital solutions to their business needs
business Innovation lab
We enhance businesses’ potential to innovate, grow and develop disruptive products
Business resilience
We empower businesses by building up their business agility and resilience to future challenges
business Internationalisation globe
We support businesses to enter international markets and to seize new commercial opportunities
Access to finance
We help you identify sources of finance and ensure your business is investor ready
Accessto EU Programmes
We identify EU funding opportunities that suit your business' needs and help you apply
Find a local Network contact point

Get in touch to receive tailored advice, support and opportunities for international partnerships.

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Eugen Test 4Eugen Test 4Eugen Test 4Eugen Test 4Eugen Test 4Eugen Test 4Eugen Test 4Eugen Test 4Eugen Test 4Eugen Test 4Eugen Test 4
  • News article

Colombia is quickly becoming a go-to destination for entrepreneurs, thanks to its prime location, booming economy, and talented workforce. Ready to dive in? Here are 5 must-know tips from our local...

  • 23 Jul 2024
Partnering opportunities
Partnering opportunities

The Network manages Europe's largest online database of business opportunities.

The Network in numbers

countries present around the world and in all regions of the EU
small companies get help to innovate and grow internationally
Every single day
enterprises benefit from our experts’ in-depth tailored advice
Every single day
companies sign partnership agreements
Every single day
companies receive specialised guidance and training sessions
Every single day

Success stories

SDS Optic

On the face of it, there is no link whatsoever between mining for coal and detecting breast cancer cells. Unless, of course, you look at the sub-microscopic detail.

  • 26 Jun 2024